About Us


At Vietnam Sourcing Hub, we understand the expectations of our clients in great detail. Our local expertise, combined with strong global experience, allows us to cater to your unique needs and ensure the best possible outcomes for your business. Our seasoned team of professionals has extensive knowledge in technical aspects, research and development, manufacturing, logistics, negotiation, and supplier management, making us the ultimate sourcing partner for your business. 

Our primary goal is to guarantee our services, ensuring that our clients receive outstanding results every time. We pride ourselves on our ability to forge strong relationships with suppliers in Vietnam, utilizing our influence and expertise to bring you the highest quality products at competitive prices. 

With more than 20 years of experience in the Vietnamese market, we have established ourselves as the leading provider of supplier development services for large and prestigious corporations. 

Our Vision

To be recognized as the premier sourcing and supplier development partner in Vietnam, facilitating sustainable growth and success for businesses worldwide by leveraging our unparalleled expertise, strong supplier relationships, and deep understanding of the local market. 

Our Mission

To provide businesses with seamless access to the abundant opportunities and resources within the Vietnamese market. By delivering top-tier, one-stop sourcing services tailored to the unique needs of each client, we strive to exceed expectations in quality, cost, and delivery, empowering our clients to thrive and prosper.

Our Services

What service we offer

With over 20 years of experience in the market, we have the local expertise, global insight, and strong supplier relationships needed to deliver exceptional results tailored to your unique needs. 

Sourcing Service

Our proven sourcing process consists of several key steps to ensure a seamless experience and outstanding outcomes

Supplier Development

Our supplier development service is designed to support your suppliers in enhancing their

Supplier Audit

Our Supplier audit process is meticulously designed to cover all essential aspects of supplier evaluation and consists of the

R&D Service

Our comprehensive Research and Development (R&D) service is designed to support your business in creating their

Why Choose Us

Discover Vietnam’s premier local sourcing experts with a global mindset at VietnamSource.com. Experience real, tailored solutions for your sourcing needs – your One-Stop Destination for Sourcing Excellence in Vietnam.

Strong experience

Over 20 years of experience in the Vietnam market


Comprehensive knowledge in technical, R&D, manufacturing, logistics, and negotiation 

Local experts

Powerful relationships with a diverse network of suppliers